

Only A Father | Title Sequence

Title Sequence to "Only a Father", a documentary about a father searching for his two daughters that went to Syria to join ISIS. In the documentary, Sadiq get thrown into captivity by ISIS. In the prison he gets tortured and told he is going to die. The title sequence captures the fellings and objects he brought to Syria. The are scattered onto a table in the prison.


Creative Directors: Håvard Isaksen & Filip Lind

Concept by Henrik Reistad, Sam Bannister Håvard Isaksen & Filip Lind

Modelling by Annike Hodge, Thomas Pride, Henrik Reistad, Håvard Isaksen & Filip Lind

Animation by Håvard Isaksen & Filip Lind

Lighting & Shading by Annike Hodge, Håvard Isaksen & Filip Lind

Compositing by Håvard Isaksen

Sound Design by Lars Goberg